Friday, November 20, 2009

horns up MOTHERFUCKERS!\m/

Two sick ass kids from Malaysia they came up with the slogan "Bastards ov Metal"... Metal heads as the are, listening to metal bands as they should, they post surveys and also promote metal kids and metal bands...

How many times did I use the word METAL already?...

Bastards ov Metal Myspace

They also have their very own band with a couple of their friends... Like most kids they indulge themselves in skating, chillin with their closest friends and going out to shows (metal shows of course)...

Check out what they're about on their and listen to their tracks, vote for bands and metal kids...


Band Myspace

PARENTAL ADVISORY: Metal music may cause movements of anger aka moshing and you would be safer at least 20ft away... It may also cause slight headaches but there's asprin to help that problem so stop being a lil bitch and listen up!...

Bastards Ov Metal

*photos were taken from the myspace page cuz duh I clearly haven't been to Malaysia...*

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