Thursday, November 19, 2009

Inside The Mind

Illegal Drug Abuser. Underage Drinker. Part-time Shittalker.

Now down to the good stuff...
I'm a graphic designer and hopefully soon to be photographer... I spend most of my time on a computer and I am a PC... I skate but I suck, I scoot and I try not to suck... Full time music lover and open to listen and experience almost everything. I stand at 5ft 8inches so I say, the doctors know better... I experience life by taking solo trips to random places and watch my friend list and phone book grow bigger... If you want to be original don't get tattoos, piercings or gauges, so in my case I don't want to be original so I am a proud owner of them all... Proudly representing and part of RS (reverse society) and design every and anything that comes to their minds even yours... Eventually everything comes to an end and this is my ending line...

Robot Minds Have Robot Slaves... The days of slavery are behind us so don't be a robot and conform

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