Saturday, December 5, 2009

It's Getting Old

What's the point in not being able to hear what I'm saying when I'm standing 3 feet away from you... Why is it that you still can't see the screen and you're wearing your glasses, aren't those suppose to help you see better? You take 7 minutes to cross the street and the light has already turned... Popping more than 3 different types of pills all day is okay now... You complain more than a 7 year old and all about things I really can't help you with... Your memory is so bad that I just told you my name and you're asking me it again 2 minutes after and it's probably going to be that way until I ignore or move away from you... Before you would never get caught dead playing Bingo but now it's your life every Tuesday night...

old folks

Now the nasty parts of it... Why did your skin get so saggy and dry after you used to put lotion on everyday after showers... Even though you've been through alot why do you have to keep telling these stories and aren't you the one that can't remember my name... Is this a disease that when you get to this point everyone's hip goes bad, because that seems to be the issue with you all... Why did you suddenly start speaking so slowly... That one I don't get... Is your brain not working right or something? Where is that funny, make me wanna vomit smell coming from anyways?

old folks

The time comes to an end... It starts by you first gettin that stick... Either used to hit kids in the knees, get on the bus, take those few steps that you can't take... Next step is a chair on manual wheels... If you own this one then mostly like you can't take yourself to the bathroom so now you need someone by your side 24/7... The next step is a chair on electric wheels... Before you warned your kids about electricity and water but you're so careless that you spill that nasty drink all over it... Finally you end up on a bed now where you're just laying there... The end has come when you get to this point...

old folks

*all photos for this post copyright google*


  1. its too bad we cant stop aging
    we live to die while we're dying to live
    sad but true this isn't only happening to you

  2. and theres is still yet some form of beauty in it all.......

  3. damn it weirdkid..u nd ur poetry..but old ppl really creep me out thats y i'm livin fast to die young. I dont wanna grow through that.
