Monday, December 28, 2009


So here goes... If you own one then I fuckin envy you... First of all you gotta have major balls to even get one because that's the most painfull area to get a tattoo... And i'm not talking about those retarded small, somebody's name or date of something kind of neck tatts... Like this one

If you're gonna go for a neck tattoo then you might as well just go big or go home... Just for the hell of how fucking dope it looks... I've come across a few which I'm really impressed and actually made a decision to get mine based on... They looks way better with color too...

nice concept here

Jeremy Stenberg aka Twitch
of Metal Mulisha

Oli Sykes
Lead Singer of BMTH

Mitch Lucker
way past the neck!

all time fav. Travis Barker
also a owner of this bitchin tatt

and as you can see many more..

Remember if you gonna get a neck tatt get some good shit...

*all photos for this post copyright google*

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