Monday, December 28, 2009


So here goes... If you own one then I fuckin envy you... First of all you gotta have major balls to even get one because that's the most painfull area to get a tattoo... And i'm not talking about those retarded small, somebody's name or date of something kind of neck tatts... Like this one

If you're gonna go for a neck tattoo then you might as well just go big or go home... Just for the hell of how fucking dope it looks... I've come across a few which I'm really impressed and actually made a decision to get mine based on... They looks way better with color too...

nice concept here

Jeremy Stenberg aka Twitch
of Metal Mulisha

Oli Sykes
Lead Singer of BMTH

Mitch Lucker
way past the neck!

all time fav. Travis Barker
also a owner of this bitchin tatt

and as you can see many more..

Remember if you gonna get a neck tatt get some good shit...

*all photos for this post copyright google*

Saturday, December 5, 2009

It's Getting Old

What's the point in not being able to hear what I'm saying when I'm standing 3 feet away from you... Why is it that you still can't see the screen and you're wearing your glasses, aren't those suppose to help you see better? You take 7 minutes to cross the street and the light has already turned... Popping more than 3 different types of pills all day is okay now... You complain more than a 7 year old and all about things I really can't help you with... Your memory is so bad that I just told you my name and you're asking me it again 2 minutes after and it's probably going to be that way until I ignore or move away from you... Before you would never get caught dead playing Bingo but now it's your life every Tuesday night...

old folks

Now the nasty parts of it... Why did your skin get so saggy and dry after you used to put lotion on everyday after showers... Even though you've been through alot why do you have to keep telling these stories and aren't you the one that can't remember my name... Is this a disease that when you get to this point everyone's hip goes bad, because that seems to be the issue with you all... Why did you suddenly start speaking so slowly... That one I don't get... Is your brain not working right or something? Where is that funny, make me wanna vomit smell coming from anyways?

old folks

The time comes to an end... It starts by you first gettin that stick... Either used to hit kids in the knees, get on the bus, take those few steps that you can't take... Next step is a chair on manual wheels... If you own this one then mostly like you can't take yourself to the bathroom so now you need someone by your side 24/7... The next step is a chair on electric wheels... Before you warned your kids about electricity and water but you're so careless that you spill that nasty drink all over it... Finally you end up on a bed now where you're just laying there... The end has come when you get to this point...

old folks

*all photos for this post copyright google*

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Why not do something you're pretty good at or like doing and find a way to do it while helping others and creating a cause... Well Rob Dyer has found a way to do it... I came across him on one of my many days of spending hours on a pc just looking up the most random of things... He skates, better yet he skate4cancer... Kick - pushing cross countries to raise awareness for cancer, he's skated as far places as Califonia, Mississippi, Canada and many more...

This young skater had to over come the one thing that all skaters have to overcome and that is el policia that just have the idea that skaters are a bunch unrulely, tattooed kids... Covered in ink his tattoos all have a message especially the massive one on his neck for skating through Australia...

Along the way leaving behind a message, a load full of brochures and smiles for everyone who supports the cause... His mission is a never ending one... He continues to skate spreading the word organizing free all ages shows to speak about the cause...

"We may not raise enough money but we may raise enough people to cure cancer"

*all photos copyright S4C myspace pages and google search*

Friday, November 20, 2009

horns up MOTHERFUCKERS!\m/

Two sick ass kids from Malaysia they came up with the slogan "Bastards ov Metal"... Metal heads as the are, listening to metal bands as they should, they post surveys and also promote metal kids and metal bands...

How many times did I use the word METAL already?...

Bastards ov Metal Myspace

They also have their very own band with a couple of their friends... Like most kids they indulge themselves in skating, chillin with their closest friends and going out to shows (metal shows of course)...

Check out what they're about on their and listen to their tracks, vote for bands and metal kids...


Band Myspace

PARENTAL ADVISORY: Metal music may cause movements of anger aka moshing and you would be safer at least 20ft away... It may also cause slight headaches but there's asprin to help that problem so stop being a lil bitch and listen up!...

Bastards Ov Metal

*photos were taken from the myspace page cuz duh I clearly haven't been to Malaysia...*

The K-iD Is Dope

You should definitely be at his first gig and bring your support, your friends, a good pair of shoes and money for the bar...

Now lets get to the dirty secrets... I must say he is the image of a D.I.Y person... A Brooklyn baby, he strives for nothing but to be a success... An artist that doesn't need pen or paper but only his vocals and a mind that you will get lost in by your first 3 steps... He has come from far and gone through struggles like everyone else the only difference is that he is dedicated to what he does and in the end wants to make it on top... His music can be heard as far as California and that's without him putting it out there...
Shall I continue?...

His beats and musical directions/lyrics are unheard of...

If you're interested in hearing them and reading his rants...
Twitter Rants

*all photos (except flyer) for this post copyright Marvin*

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Plugs Of Death

If you're a fan of gauges like myself then you'll enjoy this picture... Taken of a Insane DJ, owner of a bitchin' ass car and gauges so sexy they make the chocolate in your fridge melt... Are you getting what I'm trying to say here...


*ALL photos for this post copyright Sherryann St.Clair*

For awesome plugs, tunnels and tapers check out
Gas Chambers for your Gauges

Bandid Bandage Dope Band?


Coming from no other place but BROOKLYN... Consisting of singers Dave Aaron and Baby Girl, guitarist Maniac Mike, bass player Adriano Morez, drummer Terminator Dave, and DJ Axis... They play visual / hip hop and punk music... A little bit of everything for everyone...

Even tho the band has been together as a band for 1 yr count it o.n.e year... They are popular in the New York area and everywhere else they've played and haven't and gets the crowd live...

My first experience of their awesomeness was at an Afropunk show where I shot some photos of them doing what they do best... Play amazing music and rocking your clothes off... Catch them on facebook, myspace and twitter for more info, music and for their next appearances...

*ALL photos for this post copyright Sherryann St.Clair*